Innovators of Non-Nuclear Technology – The PQI 380
TransTech Systems is an instrumental company that develops innovative and non-destructive evaluation products for the construction industry, all of which are based on our core technology. The patented Pavement Quality Indicator (PQI 380), developed and manufactured in New York State, is the leading non-nuclear asphalt pavement quality control device in the world. The ground-breaking PQI set the standard for non-nuclear gauges when it was introduced over 20 years ago. The basic technical principle involved is that, as you increase compaction with each roller pass, you are squeezing air out of the volume of asphalt beneath the roller. The PQI is able to measure these small changes in compaction and, after calibrating our device, provide a real time, accurate and repeatable density value to the user in under three seconds.
Developed with funding from the NCHRP IDEA program, the U.S. Army Corps of engineers and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, the device continues to be upgraded and, currently, a fourth generation Model 380 is available. Features including items such as a GPS status display, the ability to download files to/from the PQI via USB drive, a touch screen GUI, and a new data management system.
The founders of TransTech Systems had many years of experience in the road construction industry and recognized from the start that many construction and civil engineering methods had changed very little over the decades. Our creative and talented management and R&D groups are actively seeking to change this scenario by partnering with university and military researchers, government agencies, manufacturing companies and construction contractors to develop tomorrow’s advanced technologies that will enable material characterization and quality control needs to be addressed in a rapid, safe and cost-effective way.